Northern Palm Beach Improvement District (NPBID) Exotic Tree and Brush Removal has began work on Section #5 during the last week of May, 2019. This is the final section of Phase 1 of the tree removal and it will be completed by Friday, June 7th, 2019.
This year, 5 sections are getting some attention. Attached are the maps of each section that has been addressed this year. Phase 2 of the brush removal will start next fiscal October 1st, 2019. The areas that will be focused on next will be determined by the money amounts that the NPBID receive next fiscal year, either from budget or grants. Those amounts will determine the amount of sections combined with lineal footage and the amount of exotics that NPBID can work on.
IMPORTANT NOTE: They will not be disturbing any native trees or brush or infringe on privacy. They are only interested in the exotic trees, brush and encroachments from trees and brush that are on NPBID’s Right of Ways and Canal Conveyance System.
Click map images below to get zoomed image